

Tag – be IT

16 Sep 2022, Posted by robinhurricane@gmail.com in Art, Design, Life, Newsletter, Photoshoots, Uncategorized

What’s the average attention span these days? If your message doesn’t fit in a tweet or on a hat, people probably won’t remember it. And if they do, chances are you’ll be forgotten faster than… wait, what was I saying? Oh yeah. When it comes to...

Instagram Tri-Panels for Impact

01 Mar 2022, Posted by robinhurricane@gmail.com in Art, Design, Life, Newsletter, Photoshoots

Everyone wants to increase their impact on Instagram— that’s why you post. Tri-panel (or 3-part posts) are a guaranteed scroll-stopper. Not only will viewers to look more closely at your feed, you’ll transform your Instagram from what is essentially a blog into a portfolio. You...

Case Study: Zero Breast Cancer

27 Oct 2021, Posted by robinhurricane@gmail.com in Art, Design, Life, Newsletter, Photoshoots, Uncategorized

Success is measured in different ways by different companies. Non-profits have their own completely different set of metrics from other businesses which can include, awareness, education, and behavior change. With Zero Breast Cancer's GENERATIONS campaign, we aimed for all three. Zero Breast Cancer is a...