
Alcohol Research Group – Case Study

The wonderful folks at the Alcohol Research Group (ARG) approaches us to create an awareness campaign to highlight their research– namely, that even moderate amounts of alcohol consumption can dramatically increase a woman’s risk of breast cancer. ARG is a health research organization, and this was their first foray into public communication campaigns. They budgeted for a website (with the hope that it would be interactive) and social media campaign centered on Instagram. Instagram, of course, isn’t a single media platform. They utilize photos, videos, carousels, illustration, and simple text to communicate their message.  Which meant we got to have some fun.

The Goal

Raise awareness of the increased risk of breast cancer from drinking among California women between the ages of 18 and 45.

Instagram Posts

We produced one commercial, four video testimonials, and nine still image posts for their Instagram campaign.  The concepts, images, and posts were evaluated in a set of 3 focus groups.


Interactivity was a primary goal for the website. We created a horizontal and vertical scrolling site with flip-card quizzes and motion graphics.

The Results

During the first 6 weeks of the campaign we reached over a quarter of a million women in California with our message, surpassing our goal by 200%.  The campaign was picked up and featured in Wired Magazine, Univsion, Healthline, and more than a dozen national newspapers.