07 Mar 2023, Posted by Art, Design, Life, Newsletter, Photoshoots, Uncategorized in
You heard me. Buy them a coffee… you know, the “support my channel” way. I’m talking about micro fundraising. If you’re a nonprofit, this should be one of the many tools in your toolbox. Here is the who, what, where , and why of micro fundraising for your cause.
Micro fundraising may seem like a lot of effort for small amounts of money; and to a certain extent there’s no getting around the amount time required to track and document a large number of small donors. It requires real resources. But micro fundraising offers many more benefits than dollars raised. Micro campaigns can raise awareness for your cause and organization. They can turn non-donators into donators. And they provide contact information for your larger campaigns. It’s also a great opportunity to show off the quirky, personal side of your nonprofit. Micro campaigns don’t have to be quite so serious.
Make it easy and fun
Social media is a great place for micro campaigns because it’s relatively inexpensive to expand your reach. These campaigns are a great way to engage with your current followers, and remind them that your work (and their support) is year-round… not just once or twice a year. Paid promotions and campaigns on platforms like Facebook are also very affordable. A $30 campaign can reach ten thousand people, raising not just funds but awareness. And we know Facebook is popular with millennials who are often looking for ways to give back without without breaking the bank. Nearly 3 out of 4 millennials donated to causes during the pandemic.
Quirky, eye-catching, and unusual campaigns are the most successful when it comes to micro fundraising. Remember that lemur? (Of course you do, it was downright weird.) The campaign is compelling because it combines the unexpected with the familiar. “Buy me a coffee” is a common fundraising phrase for YouTubers and small tech entrepreneurs. But be sure to follow it up with some specifics. Deforestation is one of the leading causes for the decline in lemur populations, placing them on the endangered list. Four dollars can plant a tree in Madagascar, and you can become part of the forest solution. Donors want to know that their dollars, however small, make a tangible difference.
And More?
The most important thing a nonprofit can offer a donor is a sense of community. That community should be vibrant, attractive, and fun. So find a fun way to thank each and every donor for your campaign. Is there a celebrity in your community? Ask them to thank your donors, and video record it. That’s something they’ll want to share on their Facebook page.
What micro-donations lack in revenue, they make up for it in impact. They’re easy, they’re fun, and they’re popular.
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