Synco Mic-D2 Shotgun Review
The Z Cam is an exciting new cinema camera, but technical info and resources can be hard to find so we've put together this simple (and growing) set of resources to help new users. There's a forum for Z-Cam users. It's not especially active, but hopefully...
Our December workshop is filled! Sorry! Our December Workshop, Photography in Black and White, is completely full! If you'd like to reserve a spot in our January class, leave us a message and we'll put you on the list. ...
ADVANCED BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOGRAPHY Learn Learn photography with Ian Robin Walker at Hurricane Images Inc. Our first workshop, Black and White Photography, is December 14-22, 2019. Learn how to create beautiful fine art black and white photography with an three-dimensional quality and rich shadow tonality; the...
Download your free Cheat-Sheet on how to prepare for your video shoot here. We're not asking for your email, contact info, or first child. But if you want to chat, we'd love to hear from you! Your shoot day is set, so how do...
When it comes to marketing a successful business or organization there are two areas to focus on: product and brand. You’d be surprised at just how little these two overlap. While people tend to believe that branding is about how customers experience your product, it’s...
Authenticity is over-rated. Yes, it's the magic marketing buzzword, but when you watch a McDonald's commercial, do you think, "Wow, they're so authentic!” More likely you're thinking, “One more Big Mac probably won’t kill me.” If the truth is their product is going to harden...
Why Stories Work People are hardwired to prefer stories over facts and figures. Narratives (stories) are associated with increased recall, ease of comprehension, and shorter reading times. Compared to expository text, narratives were read twice as fast and recalled twice as well, regardless of topic or...
Here's the punchline: Video can be a powerful tool at each stage of your sales funnel. Most small businesses have a general sense of their customer's decision-making process when it comes to making a purchase, but they don't always examine the nitty gritty that makes...