Smallrig HawkLight System – Ultrafast, convenient, but inflexible
12 Jul 2024, Posted by Reviews in
Smallrig’s HawkLock series aims for innovation, and it does a surprisingly good job of doing so. It’s hard to design something new in the tiny playing field of quick release accessories. Smallrig has created a series that includes releases dedicated for monitors, as well as cold shoe mounts, all-purpose releases, and magic arms and handles. The press-button HawkLock is hands down the fastest release I’ve used, as well as one of the snuggest and fuss-free. Everything slides and connects smoothly. My favorite of the series is the monitor release with low profile NATO rail. The rail hugs the cage, yet is capable of working with any NATO attachment.

Flexibility, however, is one of the shortcomings of the Smallrig system. Because they attach via retractable pins in a “lock and groove” system, they don’t work well with other attachments, and at times with each other. For example, you can’t swap the plate of the mini quick release H21 with the mini cold shoe (H18) because their pin and groove system are opposite: there are pins on the coldshoe of the H18 vs pins on QR base of the H21. Likewise, you can’t move your monitor from the Smallrig NATO rail to a generic NATO rail because the QR requires slots for the locking pins on the rail itself. It will slide back and forth on the generic rail. Only the Arca-Swiss version allows the QR plate to move from Smallrig to non-Smallrig release systems; ebut ven so, the Smallrig base cannot tighten down on a generic Arca plate. What you’re left with is a highly functional but one-way locking system.

Each of the units is exceptionally made, with precise fit and subtly branded grey and white coloring. It’s an elegant system, and if you have a standard setup for your camera work, the convenience and speed of these accessories makes a real difference. Often, it’s the little things that have a big impact on ease of production in the field. The ability to set up quickly and never worry that your rig will shift, slide, or fall off can be a huge relief. If your set-up is constantly changing to fit the demands of the shoot, you may find these to be more of a hindrance than a help. The exception, for me, is H21 monitor support (not to be confused with the H21 QR), as the NATO rail works with any NATO attachment, and I’m unlikely to swap my monitor onto another camera or system. If you’re interested, visit Smallrig.
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