Testimonial Videos ≠ Product Reviews
04 Aug 2018, Posted by Art, Design, Life, Photoshoots, Private, Uncategorized in
Many service-based companies think of testimonial videos as “product reviews for services.” It’s great shorthand for describing their worth; the problem is… they’re not. There are significant differences between a testimonial and a product review (or service review), and understanding them can help you create powerful testimonials for your company.
Many of the companies I work with are hoping their testimonial clients will say how great their product is and how professional their staff behaved, and we do want that on camera. But it’s less than half the necessary ingredients for a successful video that converts inquisitive viewers into buyers and fans. (You can read about the other important ingredients on our blog, Cracking the Credibility Factor in Testimonials.)
The most important difference between a testimonial and a product review, is that viewers don’t expect the speaker to be “fair and objective.” They know the client is going to say nice things about the company—that’s why the video exists. So why do they click on the video?
The first reason is to learn whether the product is right for them… whether it solves the problem that they are facing. We can’t always predict the specifics of their problem, but we can ensure that the onscreen talent has a clear and sympathetic need. The realness of their problem creates empathy and excitement. In many ways, who your onscreen testimonial client is will be more important than their endorsement of your product or service.
The second reason to watch the video is to learn the specifics about your service or product. This can be a red herring for video creators. Most companies offer a wide range of services, many of which are complex. Getting lost in the forest of what you do can blunt the emotional message that motivates the viewer to action. It’s important to offer some information about your offering, but the details are better suited to a company or product video, tutorial video, or web page.
In creating a video testimonial, it’s helpful to go back to your marketing basics. Revisit the Six Steps to Take Before You Get Video Creative. And remember that it’s not what you offer; it’s what need the customer needs filled.
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